Patients and Family Rights

Rights of Medical Care
- Receive comprehensive care, given without discrimination as to race, religion, believe, creed, language, sex, age or disability. Receive comprehensive care by competent personnel that reflect consideration of your personal values, beliefs with effective use of time and as per Ministry of Health laws and regulations.
- Expect emergency procedures to be carried out without delay.
- Have appropriate assessment and management of pain.
- Participate in decisions involving your health care.
- Be provided with information upon discharge about your continuing health care requirements and the means for meeting them.
- Refuse/discontinue the treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the potential consequences of this action. You will be asked to sign a form stating/confirming the above.
- Sign the necessary informed consent prior to the start of any surgery, endoscopy, anaesthesia, blood transfusion and its components or any other procedures that require consent.
- Receive full and clear information about the case and health status in an understandable language.
- To receive adequate nutrition that is appropriate for his/her medical condition.
Rights of Information
- To know the Mission and Vision of the hospital.
- To know the Identity of your caregiver(s).
- To receive a copy of the Patient and Family bill of rights and responsibilities upon admission.
- Receive a copy of “Patient and Family Bill of Rights and Responsibilities” at the earliest possible moment from Admission Office and if for any reason you cannot understand it, please contact the Patient Service Manager for help on the 24/7 line 77310000.
- To receive complete and current information from your treating doctor “once final diagnosis is reached regarding the diagnosis, treatment and potential benefit and consequences of the proposed treatment, likelihood of successful treatment and possible problems related to treatment, in language that you can understand (interpreter is available if needed).
- When it is not medically advisable the information pertaining to your condition shall be given on your behalf to your designated/ legal representative.
- To receive appropriate explanation of the cost of your treatment.
- To know all about health insurance coverage limits.
- To know all about the treatment cost regardless of who will pay for it.
- To know the available source of care for your condition and other alternative treatments inside or outside the hospital.
- For complaints or suggestions regarding the service provided to you, call the 24 hours line (7730000), or through the suggestions and complaints box, or by email:
- To make patient and family bill of rights and responsibilities publically available by ensuring posters, pamphlets or advertising banners in the reception and waiting area of the hospital.
- To know the patient relation office number.

Rights of Confidentiality and Privacy
- Protect your privacy while receiving services unless a medically urgent situation arose.
- To discuss the treatment with your legal guardian confidentiality.
- Refuse to see anyone not concerned with providing the health service, including visitors.
- Request the room transfer if another patient in the room unreasonably disturbs you, provided a suitable room is available.
- Have all information and records pertaining to your medical care treated as confidential except as otherwise governed by the law, or third-party contractual agreement.
- Have your medical record confidential, protected from loss or misuse and read only by individual(s)
- involved in your care or by individual(s) authorized by law or regulation.
- Ask for appropriate outfits and necessary personal Kit.
- Ask for a separated male and female waiting areas.
Safety and Security Rights
- To be provided with safe care within the environment established in the hospital.
- To be provided with safe care while transferring to other facility.
- To be provided with a safety mechanism for protection of your valuables from loss or theft when needed.
- To be provided with special mechanism to protect children, people with special needs and old people from all forms of abuse or harm.
- To be informed about no smoking policy in all the health establishment facilities, and have designated specific smoking areas away from the places of health services.
- To be protected from physical, verbal or psychological assault.

Respect and Appreciation
- To be treated with courtesy and respect, with appreciation of individual dignity, no matter of the time or conditions.
- To be respected by being called with your official name.
- To be respected for cultural, psychosocial, spiritual and personal values, beliefs and preferences.
Participation in the Healthcare Plan
- To be introduced to the services provided by the health facility, the proposed healthcare plan in addition to the potentials and capability of the health facility.
- To be provided with complete and updated information about the diagnosis and treatment in an understandable language.
- To be Introduced to the identity and professional status of the health care providers responsible of his treatment, and be informed in case there are licensed trainees in the medical team.
- To be informed about the potential complications, risks, benefits and the alternatives to the proposed procedures.
- To be informed of the kind of interventions, medications and the radiology used in the treatment; there efficiency and safety